It may have of escaped your attention that we have had a very wet winter across the UK. As a result, gardens and drives have become waterlogged causing the ground to become soft, which in turn is easily churned up by foot or vehicular traffic.
How can you stop your garden or drive becoming a boggy mud pit?
This is where EASYGrid comes in, EASYGrid helps to reinforce the ground and stabilise the area, reducing the churn up of the ground, making the ground easier to traverse whether on foot or by vehicle.
It’s has also become popular amongst the equestrian industry where it is particularly helpful in reducing the churning up walkways and paddocks. This has important equine health benefits too including allowing a horse to be turned out into a safe area instead on been confined to a stable 24/7 or churning up a once green paddock and helping to reduce ailments such as bog burn and mud fever.

An example of the contrast between the gridded winter turnout area and muddy field next door.
For more information on our ground preparation and installation guidelines visit this page or you can visit the EASYGrid product page.
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